The Brighton to London line. The 07:44 train. Carriages packed with commuters. A woman applies her make-up. Another occupies her time observing the people around her. A husband and wife share an affectionate gesture. Further along, a woman flicks through a glossy magazine. Then, abruptly, everything changes: a man has a heart attack, and can't be resuscitated; the train is stopped, an ambulance called. For at least three passengers on the 07:44 on that particular morning, life will never be the same again. Lou witnesses the man's final moments. Anna and Lou share a cab when they realise the train is going nowhere fast. Anna is Karen's best friend. And Karen? Karen's husband is the man who dies.
I had looked forward to reading this book, in particular as it was set in the South-East of England. However, despite a strong initial storyline I couldn't really enjoy the novel, as it got more and more boring and cliché. Very disappointing. Easy chick-flick for the bath, but not more than that. The narrative and the change of perspective and the flash forwards and backwards were rather irritating, too.
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