Still Alice
Alice is just fifty when she finds herself in a downward spiral, increasingly disoriented and forgetful. A university professor, wife and mother of three, she has books to write, places to see, grandchildren to meet. But a tragic diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's disease is set to change her life and her relationship with her family and the world forever. Losing her yesterdays, living for each day, her short-term memory is hanging by a frayed thread. But she is still Alice.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Maeve Binchy: Whitethorn Woods
Whitethorn Woods:
Everything is changing in Rossmore. No longer a sleepy Irish town, nowadays it's a prosperous place, so busy that a new bypass has been proposed.
The people of Rossmore are divided, particularly since the road will go right through the Whitethorn Woords and the well dedicated to St Ann - a well thought by some to have spiritual properties, and by others dismissed as a superstition.
Everything is changing in Rossmore. No longer a sleepy Irish town, nowadays it's a prosperous place, so busy that a new bypass has been proposed.
The people of Rossmore are divided, particularly since the road will go right through the Whitethorn Woords and the well dedicated to St Ann - a well thought by some to have spiritual properties, and by others dismissed as a superstition.
Friday, 26 August 2016
SK Tremayne: The Ice Twins

After one of their identical twin daughters, Lydia, dies in an accident, Angus and Sarah move to a remote Scottish island, hoping to mend their shattered lives. But when their surviving child, Kirstie, claims they have mistaken her identity - that she is Lydia - their world comes crashing back down.
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Donna Leon: Ewige Jugend - Brunetti 25

Brunetti ermittelt in den Tiefen der Erinnerung: Contessa Lando-Continui möchte mit dem Leben abschließen, aber der Sturz ihrer Enkelin in den Canale di San Boldo lässt ihr keine Ruhe. Was, wenn es kein Unfall war? Brunetti, Griffoni und Signorina Elettra bringen Licht in dunkle Beweggründe.
Saturday, 20 August 2016
Thomas Raab: Der Metzger

Der Metzger
Möbelrestaurator Willibald Adrian Metzger landet in der Literaturbranche. Und schuld daran ist Hansi Woplatek, der Sohn seiner Stammfleischerei, der zur Schande seines Vaters Schriftsteller werden will....
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Scott Mariani: The Sacred Sword - Ben Hope 7

The Sacred Sword
Returning to the UK to try to sort out his stormy personal life, Ben runs into two old friends from Oxford. Ben senses that Simeon is troubled and frightened, but before the truth can emerge both he and his wife are killed in a devastating road crash. And so Ben is propelled on a global quest through Europe, the Holy Land and America to unlock the mystery.
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Diane Chamberlain: Her mother's shadow

The story reminds a little of the moral dilemmas that Jodi Picoult is so famous for, but somehow the ending is a little bit of a disappointment. Reality is not always as easily resolved as this story makes believe, and that is a shame.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Muriel Bolger: The Pink Pepper Tree

This is a swift and relaxing read. It is a quite predictable, but the kind of summer and beach-read we all need to escape from the realities of our own lives.
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Robert Galbraith - Cormoran Strike 03: Career of evil

An interesting read, although a little darker and more gruesome than previous Cormoran Strike novels. Also, some of the sub-plots become a little bit more predictable, which is a shame. Still, I enjoyed the book.
Saturday, 30 April 2016
Emily Barr: Out of my depth
When Susie decides to invite her old school friends to stay for a reunion she tells herslef that it's just about showing off. It's about letting Amanda, Izzy and Tamsin see how well she's done, with her successful career as an artist, her gorgeous house in France and her delicious boyfriend. But this is a plan that could make or break her seemingly perfect life, and she knows it. She and her friends are still haunted by a dark secret, and they are all waiting for the moment when they must face the truth.
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Beate Maxian: Sarah Pauli 5 - Tod in der Hofburg
Ganz Wien ist anlässlich des Jahreswechsels in Feierlaune. Auch Journalistin Sarah Pauli – sie hat tatsächlich Karten für das weltberühmte Neujahrskonzert der Philharmoniker ergattert. Doch die feierliche Hochstimmung schlägt in tiefes Entsetzen um: Als die Besucher nach der Veranstaltung den Konzertsaal verlassen, eröffnet ein Heckenschütze das Feuer und tötet ein Ehepaar. Sarah lässt die schreckliche Tat keine Ruhe. Sie recherchiert und entdeckt einen Zusammenhang mit einem Mord, der sich wenige Tage zuvor in der Wiener Hofburg ereignet hat. Doch der Todesschütze nimmt schon sein nächstes Opfer ins Visier...
Tuesday, 1 March 2016
Donna Leon: Brunetti 24 - Endlich mein
Flavia Petrelli ist zurück in Venedig! In der Titelrolle von ›Tosca‹ tritt die Sopranistin im venezianischen Opernhaus La Fenice auf. Als eine junge Sängerin aus dem Kollegenkreis die Treppe einer Brücke hinuntergestoßen wird, beginnt Flavia um ihr eigenes Leben zu fürchten. Brunetti ermittelt in den Kulissen der Oper. Tod in Venedig, und das auf der Bühne: ein Buch, das Sehnsucht nach Venedig macht.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Steve Berry: The Amber Room
Rachel Cutler loves her job and her kids, and remains civil to her ex-husband Paul. But everything changes when her father dies under suspicious circumstances, leaving behind clues to a treasure called the Amber Room. Desperate for the truth, Rachel takes off for Germany, with Paul close behind. Before long, they're in over their heads. Locked into a treacherous game with professional killers, Rachel and Paul find themselves on a collision course with the forces of greed, power and history itself.
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Roland Zingerle: Ein Mord am Wörthersee
Beim Ironman in Klagenfurt kommt es bereits zum zweiten Mal in Folge zu einem mysteriösen Todesfall: Auf der Radstrecke bricht ein Athlet zusammen und ist auf der Stelle tot. Pikantes Detail am Rande: Beide Verunglückten entstammen derselben Familie, sind beim selben Arzt in Behandlung und haben dieselbe Lebensversicherung abgeschlossen. Zufall? Tragisches Schicksal? Detektiv Sablatnig ermittelt.
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