On the hunt for a book that's similar to "The Shack" I stumbled across this one: an absolutely awe-inspiring life-story. Although I knew that the story would end happily, I was moved to tears by the strength of Kim and Krickitt's relationship and love for one another and in particular of their relationship to God. It was certainly that strong faith that helped them through their tough times...
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Kim Carpenter: The vow
Life as Kim and Krickitt Carpenter knew it was shattered beyond recognition on November 24, 1993. Two months after their marriage, a devastating car wreck left Krickitt with a massive head injury and in a coma for weeks. When she finally awoke, she had no idea who Kim was. With no recollection of their relationship and while Krickitt experienced personality changes common to those who suffer head injuries, Kim realized the woman he had married essentially died in the accident. And yet, against all odds, but through the common faith in Christ that sustained them, Kim and Krickitt fell in love all over again. Even though Kim stood by Krickitt through the darkest times a husband can ever imagine, he insists, "I'm no hero. I made a vow."
Thomas Raab: Der Metzger holt den Teufel
Willibald Adrian Metzger bekommt Gesellschaft. Denn nicht nur die Polizei rückt ihm im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zu Leibe, auch eine schöne Unbekannte tritt unvermutet in sein Leben. Alles beginnt damit, dass am Morgen nach dem Besuch eines klassischen Konzerts auch für eine Musikerin des Orchesters der Schlussakkord erklingt - vorbei ist es für den Metzger mit der Ruhe. Und es dauert nicht lange, bis er neben weiteren Musikerinnen mit durchschnittener Kehle und einem unleidlichen Kommissar auch noch schwerwiegende private Probleme am Hals hat ... Thomas Raab schickt seinen erfolgreichen Ermittler Willibald Adrian Metzger in einen neuen Fall, in dem gute Musik und die besseren Kreise bedeutende, wenn auch unrühmliche Rollen spielen.
Aus irgendeinem Grund habe ich lange gebraucht, um dieses Buch zu lesen anzufangen. Aber dann konnte ich es nicht aus den Händen legen. Die verschiedenen Perspektiven und die vielen unerwarteten Wendungen machten den Krimi zu einem tollen Leseabenteuer. Nur das Ende war mir etwas zu vorhersehbar...
Ellen Emerson White: Titanic - An Edwardian girl's diary 1912
Margaret Anne dreams of leaving the orphanage behind, and she can hardly believe her luck when she is chosen to accompany wealth Mrs Carstairs aboard the great Titanic. But when the passengers are woken on a freezing night in April 1912, she finds herself caught up in an unimaginable nightmare...
I had this book at home for a long time, as I got it through a book club once. Now that the Titanic centenary had come around I wanted to see whether this book would be suitable for my son. It wasn't, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt new facts about the Titanic, too.
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Jo Brand: Look back in hunger
Jo Brand is one of Britain's funniest and best-loved comedians. With a sharp eye for the absurd and in her own unique voice, she tells her story for the first time. What possessed her to become a professional comedian in the cut-throat world of stand-up comedy after ten years as a psychiatric nurse? How did she deal with late night drunken audiences? From her early years growing up in a small south coast town with two brothers who toughened her up, to emerging on stage as 'The Sea Monster', Jo Brand tells it like it is with wit and candour.
A very interesting life-story and some good humour, as would be expected with Jo Brand. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot about her career as a stand-up comedian, though. So I suppose I'll have to read the second autobiography, too.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Michael Köhlmeier: Der Menschensohn
Die Passion, die Geschichte vom Leiden Jesu und seiner Auferstehung, ist nicht nur das eindrucksvollste Glaubenszeugnis der Urkirche, sondern auch ein Mythos, eine Sage, die Michael Köhlmeier herausforderte, sie auf seine eigene Art frei zu erzählen, und so werden die Ereignisse von Jesu Einzug in Jerusalem bis zu seiner Kreuzigung und Auferstehung zu Menschengeschichten von Liebe und Verrat, Zweifel und Vertrauen, Not und Erlösung.
Die Geschichte Jesu von Nazareth erzählt aus der Sicht des Ungläubigen Thomas. Wie immer bei Köhlmeier, leicht verdaulich und leicht erzählt. Eine etwas andere Art die Geschichte von Ostern nachzuempfinden.
Monday, 2 April 2012
Jodi Picoult: Lone Wolf
When Luke Warren is involved in a car accident which leaves him in a coma, his family are gathered together against the odds; they face an impossible dilemma. His daughter Cara is praying for a miracle: she will fight everything and everyone to save her father's life. His son Edward can't imagine that a man who once ran with wolves could ever be happy with a different life. But he hasn't spoken to Luke for six years. How can he dare to speak on his father's behalf? Somehow, they must choose: Do they keep Luke alive? Or do they let him go?
As with all Picoult stories, this is a great moral dilemma and the reader can identify with all characters and finds it hard to take sides. In between the stories of Edward and Cara, we can see Luke's own version of the truth - the behaviour of a pack of wolves and how human life is or should be reflected.
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