Monday, 31 March 2008
Gabrielle Engelmann: Die Promijägerin
So wie es im Klappentext steht: "Marie Teufel ist eine von uns". Man kann sich wirklich leicht mit Marie identifizieren. Sie ist etwas füllig mit Kleidergröße (mindestens) 40, isst und trinkt eben gerne, Sport ist nicht ihre Welt und dann sind da noch die vielen Misverständinsse und Dinge, die sie gerne sagen würde, aber nicht sagt, oder die, die sie für sich behalten möchte, und die ihr einfach so herausrutschen....Witzig, romantisch, fröhlich. Ein nettes Buch zur Entspannung.
14 Tage - mehr Zeit hat Verlagslektorin Marie Teufel nicht, um zehn Prominente davon zu überzeugen, dass sie unbedingt ein Buch schreiben müssen. Da trifft es sich gar nicht gut, dass sie gleich den ersten Kandidaten, den berühmten Schriftsteller Miguel Vargas, so verärgert, dass er sich wütend auf seine Finca auf Mallorca zurückzieht. Was tun? Am Telefon kniefällig um Verzeihung bitten? Demütige Bettelbriefe schreiben? Doch Marie bekommt eine zweite Chance und reist ihm nach ...

Sunday, 30 March 2008
Jennifer Johnston: Two Moons
It is very poetic in places and definitely mystic. However, I was disappointed by the ending. Without giving anything away here, I actually expected more...Overall a good mystical, calming and soothing read about love, relationships and death.
Mimi and her daughter Grace are disturbed by the unexpected arrival of Grace's daughter Polly and her new boyfriend. The events over the next few days will get them to reassess their lives....

Saturday, 29 March 2008
Michael Faber: The Hundred and Ninety-Nine Steps
Thriller/historical/ghost story and meditation in one!
Sian, tired of nightmares in which she meets a grisly end, decides she needs to get out more, so she joins an archaeological dig at Whitby Abbey. What she finds is a mystery involving a long-hidden murder, a man with big hands, a fragile manuscript in a bottle, and a rather attractive dog called Hadrian.

Birgit Vanderbeke: Sweet Sixteen
Ich habe das Buch angefangen und dann nicht mehr weglegen können. Die Geschichte war wirklich einmal etwas Anderes und ich mochte den Schreibstil sehr. Ich war dann zwar vom Ende etwas enttäuscht, allerdings denke ich, dass es schwierig ist eine so bizarre Geschichte zu beenden.
"Sechzehnjähriger verschwand am Geburtstag spurlos" lautet die Schlagzeile. Erst ist es nur einer, dann sind es fünf, und es werden immer mehr. Wie einen Krimi erzählt Birgit Vanderbeke diese so surrile wie phantastische Geschichte. Ihr Herz schlägt auf der Seite der Ausreißer, der Spott gilt den Medien, Erziehungsberechtigten und der Enge des Gedankens.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Gervase Phinn: Up and Down in the Dales
Gervase Phinn tells about his life in schools in a light-hearted, easy way that makes you smile and laugh and wonder if what he writes about isn't fictional rather than real-life.
"What's your name?" I asked the child. "Tequila," she replied. "I'm named after a drink." "Tequila Sunrise," I murmured. "No," pouted the child. "Tequila Braithwaite." This is the 4th year of work as an Inspector of English in the Dales.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Kate Morton: The House at Riverton
A fantastic novel with 2 interwoven storylines....Predictable in places, but overall a well-written and good book.
Summer 1924: On the eve of a glittering Society party, by the lake of a grand English country house, a young poet takes his life. The only witnesses, sisters Hannah and Emmeline Hartford, will never speak to each other again. Winter 1999: Grace Bradley, 98, one-time housemaid of Riverton Manor, is visited by a young director making a film about the poet's suicide. Ghosts awaken and memories, long-consigned to the dark reaches of Grace's mind, begin to sneak back through the cracks. A shocking secret threatens to emerge; something history has forgotten but Grace never could.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Heinrich Spoerl: Die Hochzeitsreise
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Jeff Noon: Automated Alice
It's a laugh! It starts off really cute but gets more and more bizarre.This is some kind of "sequel" to L. Carroll's Alice in Wonderland - equally cute, equally bizarre!
If Lewis Carroll had sent Alice off on an adventure into the future, what might it have been like? Noon (Pollen, 1995) answers this question in his wild and farcical third novel. Puns, riddles, numerical puzzles and cockeyed literary references abound in this tale of Alice's trip through her Great Aunt Ermintrude's clock into an unlikely alternate-universe version of Manchester, England, circa 1998. Among the many strange characters Alice meets are her termite-driven, robot "twin twister," the Automated Alice of the title; Captain Ramshackle, a Badgerman and Randomologist; and a Crow-woman/scientist named Professor Gladys Chrowdingler who puts cats in boxes that may or may not render them invisible.

Friday, 7 March 2008
Sabine Kuegler: Ruf des Dschungels

Otto Schenk: Garantiert zum Lachen
Sabine Kuegler: Dschungelkind - Vom Mädchen, das aus der Steinzeit kam
Isla Dewar: Dancing in a Distant Place
Got this book as a present, but it looked so serious that I couldn't get myself to read it at first. Once I read it, it was fabulous! Rather funny actually...
When Iris Chisholm arrives in the tiny Scottish Highland community of Green Cairns, she's still in a state of shock--not so much from her husband's untimely death as from the discovery that he'd gambled away all their money and even their home. In addressing the problems of the children at the school where she works, Iris finds distractions from worries. Further distractions come in the shape of a honey-tongued lawyer and a gentle handyman.

Monday, 3 March 2008
Donna Leon: Brunetti 1 - Venezianisches Finale/Death at La Fenice
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